副管理员 原力743
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-7
在线时间865 小时
副管理员 原力743
Incinerator Troopers 焚化兵
Leader(s) 领导者:
Darth Vader 达斯·维德
Era(s) 所属时期:
Rise of the Empire era 帝国崛起时期
Affiliation 所属派别:
Galactic Empire 银河帝国
The Incinerator trooper was an elite specialized variant of stormtrooper, distinguished by the red markings they bore on their armor, which made them resemble Palpatine's Shock Troopers. They were also equipped with green-tinted visors on their helmets and powerful plasma rifles. Bred from a human stock, Incinerator troopers were raised with intense urges to kill and destroy.
* 1 History 历史
* 2 Equipment 装备
* 3 Application 应用
* 4 Behind the scenes 幕后花絮
* 5 Appearances 出现作品
* 6 Sources
History 历史
As dissent grew amongst the Empire's member systems, the Empire needed a way to make an example of systems. The Empire cloned Incinerator troopers from a genetic stock with the intention to turn them into psychopathic pyromaniacs. As they were raised they were trained to develop an incredible desire to burn and destroy. Sent on missions to burn down villages and incite panic, they were usually accompanied by Darth Vader although they were known to operate without him.
Equipment 装备
Incinerator troopers were equipped with powerful plasma rifles to burn down entire villages and cities. Their Stormtrooper armor was exceptionally heat-resistant, able to withstand high temperatures. They were also equipped with the standard E-11 blaster rifle, SE-14R blaster pistol, and thermal detonator.
Application 应用
Incinerator troopers were sent on missions where an example needed to be made. They would march into settlements and raze them, leaving nothing standing. They did not hesitate to ignite any bystanders that got in their way. They were sent to Kashyyyk around 2 BBY to quell any potential uprisings that may have occurred during the construction of the Skyhook.
Behind the scenes 幕后花絮
Two figures of Incinerator troopers are packaged with Darth Vader in a Star Wars: The Force Unleashed action figure pack.
Appearances 出现作品
* Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 《星球大战:原力释放》
对于这些精神变态的特殊克隆人,我觉得单单用“喷火兵”已经不足以说明其属性了,而且共和国时期的克隆人军中也有同样装备火焰喷射器的Clone Blaze Trooper了。我觉得好像“焚化兵”更有一种散发着死亡气息的感觉。 |